No. I’m not talking about aliens – not even the kind from another country. I’m talking about highly trained, extraordinarily dedicated police dogs, like the one who recently got the job done on his first night at work in Houston according to KPRC 2 News.

You all may not know this about me, but all my “kids” have fur. That’s right, we have a house full of rescue dogs. So, this story hits home for me – especially given that Looper Reed helped Kristi Schiller set up the charity that made the aformentioned dog deputy available to Houston police.
K-9’s for Cops, donates the $10 – $12,500.00, per dog, necessary to help law enforcement agencies have K-9 units in an era where budget cuts have made K-9 cops an unaffordable luxury.
And before you ask, employers don’t have to pay overtime or minimum wage to these employees, but be careful about discrimination – K-9 work isn’t just for German Shepherds. There are all manner of dogs involved in police work all over the country.
Take a look at the site, and if the mood strikes you, give a little back to those who give us so much.