As Business Week reports this week, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia struck down the poster requirement created by the National Labor Relations Board. For those who do not know or do not remember, in August 2011, the NLRB adopted a rule requiring private businesses to post a notice of the
The NLRB Offers New Guidance on Social Media Policies
Desperately trying to retain its relevance in a world where unions are going by the wayside, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has taken up the issue of what employers can do about employee posts on the internet.
Under the National Labor Relations Act employees are permitted to engage in “concerted activity” which is to…
An Update on the Orange Shirt Case
It turns out the story of the Florida law firm employees fired for wearing orange is NOT over. (For those not up to speed, see my post from March 20, 2012.) At a recent legal seminar on the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), I learned that the orange clad crew has filed a complaint with…
Facebook Policy Against Sharing Passwords to Block Employers
Facebook privacy among employees has been discussed for a long time, but a couple of recent events have brought the issue to the forefront of public discussion. At the beginning of the month Forbes reported on a lawsuit moving forward in Minnesota against a school district that requires Facebook passwords of students. Then, last Friday,…
What is All the Fuss over the New NLRB Poster?
This debate has been going on for a while. The NLRB wants to create yet another poster your employees probably will never read for you to hang up in the break room. Employers groups are up in arms and the US Chamber of Commerce has filed a lawsuit over the poster. So much haranguing…
Are Salaries Secret?
The Evil HR Lady dropped a post recently about an employee who was upset because she just discovered a co-worker was earning more than her with less experience. Lucas explained in “Dear Abby” fashion why the employee ought to let it go: The economy is bad. Lots of people want your job. Suck it up. …