Who, What, Why . . .

Who does it apply to: Any employer faced with letting an employee go. In this edition, I am taking a break from my regular format to pass on advice about handling terminations. 

Before the Termination Meeting:

• Plan when. An employee humiliated during termination is much more

Who, What, Why . . .

Who does it apply to: All employers regardless of size or shape.

What does “at-will” employment mean: You might be inclined to think that it means that employees serve at the will of the master, or at the master’s pleasure. While this historically makes sense, “at-will” employment is something

Periodically, an employer will ask about giving references for an employee.  Some feel compelled to provide at least a neutral review, others feel that they have to protect the world from making the same bad decision they did.  Still others think it is the “law” to provide the dates of employment and whether the person

Put this in the “boring, but important” category.  Last month the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals found that Supplemental Unemployment Benefits (or “SUB”) payments are not considered wages and thus not taxable to the employee or the employer for FICA.

First, a little education.  What are SUB payments?  When an employer makes a reduction in

Who, What, Why . . .

Who does it apply to: All employers, whether subscribers to workers’ compensation insurance or not.

What is the issue: Employees of businesses that make workers’ compensation claims sometimes engender the aggravation of their employer. Employers think the employee is faking injury, milking the claim, or simply preventing the employer

I get this question at least once every couple of weeks.  Recently, however, I finally reduced the list to writing.  So, here is the benefit of my wisdom . . . if you can call it that.  Follow these rules for safe termination:

1. Always have two people in the room. Two recounts of what